Rebbe Visit
The Rebbe came to town. My husband was on an all time high. He loves Chassidus and it is a gift for him to have a rebbe nearby. My husband offered for me to visit the rebbe, but I declined, not because I don't think a blessing is good, but because I think blessings come from within us. I did enjoy his visit and especially his egg story. This is how it goes.
It seems as if a newly married couple were discussing their relationship and the man told his new wife that although he didn't want to keep any secrets from her, she was not to go into his drawer. She promised. For 20 years she did not go in the drawer. But one evening he was really late and her curiosity got the best of her. So she opened the drawer. What did she find? $100,000 and 5 eggs. When her husband came home, she asked, "I'm sorry I went in your drawer and I undestand the $100,000 as I like to spend a lot so I'm sure you put some money aside, but why the 5 eggs?" He replied, "I put an egg in the drawer each time we had an argument instead of fighting." She replied, "Wow! Only 5 eggs in 20 years. That is amazing," to which he replied, "Well every time I had a dozen, I sold them."
At any rate, I went to be supportive as I do believe blesings can be a wonderful experience. I had to run home for a few minutes and told my daughter, that she too could go get a blessing. She looked right at me and said, "But what do I ask for?" I replied, "Whatever you'd like." My daughter quickly pulled herself together and I took her to ask the rebbe for a blessing. She asked him to make her a famous actress (she did have to explain this to him). I was proud of her. I am sure that it is the first time he was every asked for such a bracha!
It seems as if a newly married couple were discussing their relationship and the man told his new wife that although he didn't want to keep any secrets from her, she was not to go into his drawer. She promised. For 20 years she did not go in the drawer. But one evening he was really late and her curiosity got the best of her. So she opened the drawer. What did she find? $100,000 and 5 eggs. When her husband came home, she asked, "I'm sorry I went in your drawer and I undestand the $100,000 as I like to spend a lot so I'm sure you put some money aside, but why the 5 eggs?" He replied, "I put an egg in the drawer each time we had an argument instead of fighting." She replied, "Wow! Only 5 eggs in 20 years. That is amazing," to which he replied, "Well every time I had a dozen, I sold them."
At any rate, I went to be supportive as I do believe blesings can be a wonderful experience. I had to run home for a few minutes and told my daughter, that she too could go get a blessing. She looked right at me and said, "But what do I ask for?" I replied, "Whatever you'd like." My daughter quickly pulled herself together and I took her to ask the rebbe for a blessing. She asked him to make her a famous actress (she did have to explain this to him). I was proud of her. I am sure that it is the first time he was every asked for such a bracha!