Why We're Here
It's a typical Thursday evening. My husband comes home from work and pulls out a gemara to prepare for learning with his "partner". He unfortunately misses my boys catching fireflies, something that brings me intense joy, but catches the tail end of them learning to skate through the house. I think it must be hard for him. He puts a lot of pressure on himself and I want him to relax. On the other hand, I respect his devotion toward continuous learning (and its not bad for keeping ones' brain active either....I don't know too many rebbes with Alzheimers. They are all as sharp as a tack!). I finish up with my motherly duties and go to watch the movie "Dear John", an intense love story. In the movie John chooses the war over the love of his life. I think we often pass up what's in front of us, for something we think is more important. I think we all do this and the sacrafice is great. But what happens if we miss out on what we were suppose to do? I think my dog missed out on her last life. I think she was a politician. So she is back here now to simply give love to every person who just barely notices her. I hope I don't have to come back as a dog, but if I do, I hope I'm as loved as my dog is.