In the Beginning...There Were Dachshunds

I like to think of the three- 3 day yom tovim as trimesters beginning with the 3 days of Rosh Hashannah plus shabbat followed by 2 days of sukkot plus shabbat and finishing up with 3 days of shemini atzeret, simchat torah and shabbat. So we have been "birthed" into the rest of the year with this past shabbat "parsha bereiseit" as the "beginning". I'm always amazed at how quickly we go through that particular parsha especially since there is so much good stuff in it. I mean the entire downfall of the human being is covered in just a few minutes of torah reading. Poor Adam. He was given a simple task of enjoying the garden and he couldn't even do that right. Of course, you can't really blame him. As any good man should do, he listend to his wife. Maybe if he had been spending some quality time with Eve, she wouldn't have been off yapping with the snake?? There really are so many unanswered questions like, "why a snake?", "why not a rabbit?", "why a tree?" "why even put the tree there if it was not to be touched?" There are too many questions to address here, but you can spend your lifetime pondering and studying creation, man, woman and even just the first sentence.

Since this was just all too deep for us, we decided to lighten things up a bit and have a "melava malka" to finish up the shabbat experience.
So in come our groupies (mainly young men ranging from 22-27 visiting from LA) who appear to be lost souls who would have fit perfectly into the scene at Woodstock (one with a drum, one with a guitar, one with long hair). With guitar in hand (and pizza provided by us) they sang (we sang with them if you can call it that, but at this stage of the evening it truly did not matter), my husband did the rebbe thing giving out words of wisdom and telling stories. It was a great way to begin our year with Sholom Carlebach tunes in our brains and pondering what life is really all about.

This week we will be studying Noach. It is any pet-lover's favorite week as the animals are the highlight of the discussions. All you PETA supporters get your time to shine. Personally, every week is pet week for me. But in honor of parshat Noach (and since the weather has turned cooler and my dog is the best-treated family member), she has been given back her little electric doggie blanket to keep her cozy and warm. This is always a source of discontent as my husband doesn't like waisting electricity on her. I explain that she shivers and to keep her well I have to keep her warm. To me it is simply an investment in keeping her well so as to keep me out of the psychologist office. She provides me with unconditional love and understanding and I figure she is a lot cheaper than therapy. Truthfully, I know that G-d sends the cures before the diseases, which is why there were 2 dachshunds on board the ark. G-d knew that we would need them. The world is surely a better place with them.


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