A Rosh Hashanah Prayer
Hello God
Yes, it’s been a while
As I’ve mentioned I’m never sure
How to write in your style
But writing is how my words
Seem to form
My fingers talk
And my mind seems to warm
It's Elul now and
From what I know
You’re in the field
With a plow and a hoe?
And because you’re now
So close so nearby
We can have a little chat
Even just to say hi
I think first I’d like to
Say a big great yes!
A thank you that is
And a sorry for the mess
That sometimes I create
Or find myself in
I suppose that is what
Might be called a sin
But I don’t know
I’m starting to ponder
If a soul just needs to explore
To test and to wander
In order to learn
In order to grow
A soul must take a few roads
Where no one else might go
But now You’re close
And now You’re here
So I can just be my self
Please sit down, here’s a chair
So what’s on my mind?
Let’s start with those close to my heart
My family, my friends, and my sweet dog
Just to start
They need Your love
And you chose me to be near them
But the world is so scary
And I want You to bless them
To be good to themselves
Selfcare is a start
And to share Your love
Right from the heart
They should not be alone
And I know bonding is hard
When you’ve got a tough shell
Or been dealt a tough card
So please God take a moment
And send them your love
However, You see fit
Send them your grace from Above
That is my one big request
For this coming year
For us all to feel loved
But let me be clear
I’m not asking for easy
I’m not asking for things
I’m just asking for us
To be our best human beings
And help me to be
The best therapist I can
The best mom, daughter, and wife
And the friend that I am
We can use some rain
And some help with the climate
Please protect Your work of art
The world needs You to save it
And to those who suffer
Or are always in pain
Please send them some light
Or a beautiful soothing rain
I don’t mean to leave out
Anything or anyone
Give us the tools to do good
To everything under the sun
I am so grateful
For this life that I’m living
Thank you for taking the time to listen
Thank you for all Your giving
So write us all, please
In Your Great Life Book
And when we hear the shofar blow
We’ll know our prayers took
Well that’s it for now
I hope this talk was quite clear
May this year bring joy and peace
I’ll be listening at the New Year